Wednesday, November 19, 2008

the Great Bro-mance that is GEARS 2

Seriously it does not get anymore bro then Gears 2. You mix one part reject football players, cheesy one liners like "That's ten Shit loads" , lastly guns with fucking chainsaws on them and you get Gears. The second in the franchise improves from the original and cranks the Bro-ocity to over 9000(I'm trying to see how much i can work bro into the sentences.) I ignore Tai's tribal tattoos only because he seems to have pacific islander decent of which the design comes from and is a traditional sign of warriors. So far I'm enjoying my romp through the game with my roommate but i wish they stop pretending to have a seriously plot and just go for new levels of ridiculous ala Evil Dead. Seriously make that happen Epic.

1 comment:

MrDUDE42 said...

dude. i played gears 2 last night. i didn't get into the first one and never even played more than 2 levels but i like gears 2. i think im gonna buy it now.