Wednesday, November 12, 2008

1 <3 711

Seriously I love 711, I have always loved 711 from my youth I remember slurpies with dad after my soccer games. Later in my adolescence I had my first taste of Coffee thus driving down a spiral of Caffeine addiction. Now as a adult I go to 711 to buy video games before their street date. Most likely this is the product of disfranchised and under informed employees. Lets think about this for a second, if 711 marketing time made a deal with Microsoft and Activision to allow them to break the street dates on their games. Whats the harm in that, nothing really. Did it create even more of a buzz for these games...yes. Conversely this also put 711 on the map for gamers to go and purchase their games. So now gamers are questing all over their cities in search of these games. Since 711 gets so few copies of each game this doesn't damage any other retailers. I salute you 711 you've always been kind to the geek culture with your burritos, slurpies and energy drinks. Thank you for your continued service for geeks everywhere! 


Christopher Pagan said...

I know someone who likes 7/11. In fact he loves it. He goes there more than anyone I know. He's a huge douche. You know who I'm talking about.

MrDUDE42 said...

i frequent 7/11 quite a bit. at san jose state there's like 3 around campus and they have good taquitos and i can get a 50:50 pina colada-banana slurpee. and now you can reserve ps3 and 360 games at 7/11?!? when the hell did that happen? they had WoW:WotLK too! (but i still havent broken down and gotten it yet)

Christopher Pagan said...

Here is an Ars Technica article about 7 Eleven and they're journey into game sales.