Friday, September 19, 2008

Castle Crashers : Beat 'em ups Refined

It's been a while.........but for the most part I'm waiting till shit hits the fan in October(little big planet, fable II, FALL OUT!!!! jesus titty fucking christ!!!!!!). Towards the end of the summer Microsoft has been pushing Xbox live arcade games during this gaming drought. After Geo Wars II and Bionic Commando: Rearmed, Castle Crashers brings it down with authority. Made by The Behemoth studio ( the guys behind alien hominid).

The beat'em up genre has always brought me back to a simpler time in my youth.
Sitting at home playing Super Double dragons or going to the arcade to play the Xmen beat'em up. Playing Castle Crashers brings back thoughts same feels. But with other brief trips of nostalgia which may keep you entertained for 20 minutes or so , but castle crashers adds modern rpg elements to enhance the game play to update the genre

With Braid and now Castle Crashers the XBLA games are now become larger productions at higher costs. While Castle crashers is in my humble opinion was worth all the cost, i foresee that some of the shovel ware studios that make games for Xbox live will be making "Higher Quality" games for this new market. hopefully people will be more informed and don't make any question purchases from said developers. Fuck you Yaris the game... i don't care if you were free you are still an abomination of nature and should even exist.

Even though Castle Crashers is having some terrible bugs (online multiplayer issues). This Game has rekindled my love for casting fireballs and curb stomping my enemies. All the stats to level up are viable to specialize in. Within your group you can have a player level up only his defence stat making him a tank while another player levels up his magic to lay down some magical cover fire. It feels kinda like playing a MMO, Having different characters fit certain roles makes you role in the group stand out that much more. Even trying to find a good builds to maximize my damage while giving me enough speed and health to get out of sticky situations.

and to finally turn this around on you i have a question for you all
What are some stale Game Genres and how can they be revitalized go ahead and just leave a comment.

Game rage Pod Cast coming soon.......

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