Friday, July 25, 2008

Mission Satement From Game Rage

It's time for me to stop waiting around waiting for something good to happen.Today I'm starting Game Rage,
A blog that analyzes the aspects that Anger, Annoy and Frustrate Gamers as a whole.

For the now this is a solo mission but if others are interested and creative then i am more then eager to work with you. Together we can help develop this blog into something more then a blogger page. But most great things must come from humble beginnings... and it doesn't get more humble then this.

Wow that was fucking cheesy. Let me Digress folks, Do you want me to rant and rave about beating my head through a cement wall doing the same five fucking things in Assassins Creed(i know it's a little late i explain later douche), Do you want me express my disgust for shitty shovel ware titles that Plague us. Or to express my hate for being nagged at Lame Stop about pre-order games too far in fucking advance… even though I’m thinking about getting a job there. I got things to bitch about come bitch about things with me and together maybe we can get through this cluster fuck. Yeah i like to write fuck often... I could use better vocabulary but i don't really have any and I think it makes the point clearer don't you. I 'm not getting a journalism degree, and I'm writing how i would talk about and i like dropping a few F Bombs... if you don't like get the fuck out. If you find this somewhat interesting stick around, this is only the tip.


Note: also in the works adding new media (podcasts, forums etc...) if interest is there. Feel Free to comment and speak your mind. I am no way an expert I am merely and enthusiast looking to share my ideas. I am wrong fucking yell at me, if you want to me to discuss a topic shoot me I’ll ignore and refuse to acknowledge the fact that it was your ideas.

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